The Most Common Viruses That Will Infect Your Phone

The Most Common Viruses That Will Infect Your Phone

Did you know that there are viruses that can infect your smartphone? Yes, even iPhones. Are you ever afraid that your mobile phone might get a virus? You’d be surprised how many people are aloof to mobile viruses and just throw caution to the wind. What I’ve learned through the painful experience of others is they’re quite common and can cause a lot of damage. If you’re not careful, you could end up losing all your data or even worse. That’s why you need to enhance your awareness of the most common viruses that infect phones.

Your phone can get a lot of threats or viruses that can be damaging to your device, so it is important to notice changes in your phone so that you can apply the right solution. One reason why I think it’s important that you get to know all of your devices is because if something seems off or it’s not operating like you’re used to, chances are something is wrong. As the power-user (and owner) of those devices, it’s vital to know if something malicious is infecting your device. If you want to know more about the types of viruses or the signs that can assist you in detection, then we’ve got you covered.

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Types Of Mobile Viruses

Let’s briefly break down the most common viruses that can infect your phone. It is important to keep in mind that the term “virus” is utilized for any type of security risk. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that viruses can be regarded as a particular form of malware. I lump them all together because they are malicious in nature. Hackers are extremely smart and they usually hide the virus in infected attachments, legitimate apps, or fake emails. So, you must not only be aware but highly suspect of just about anything nowadays. I love the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Couldn’t be more true with mobile viruses.


It should be noted that usually, pop-up ads are for promotional purposes. But if their quantity enhances, then it can be an indication of adware. Pop Ups, where a new window opens in the background of your mobile browser, are uncommon though, and should be a solid tip that something is going on. 

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Furthermore, it can track all of your activities and can steal data from your device. While adware is not technically a “mobile virus”, it can be just as annoying and I think it checks the boxes on most of the characteristics of a virus. If you suspect that adware has been installed on your phone, there are a few steps you can take to remove it. We hit on those at the end of this.


Most commonly, this virus is linked to legitimate applications. This virus keeps track of your activity, username, password, and location. Usually, it is difficult for users to notice the appearance of this virus on their mobile devices.

While spyware is often used for malicious purposes, there are also some legitimate uses for it. For example, parents may install spyware on their child’s phones in order to keep track of their online activity and ensure that they are staying safe. Mobile spyware is becoming increasingly common as people rely more and more on their mobile devices for communication and online activity. If you think you may have spyware installed on your phone, it is important to take action quickly in order to protect your information and privacy.

TRENDING: Best Antivirus For Android Phones

Trojan Horse

In computing, a trojan horse is a type of malware that seems harmless at first but is actually malicious. It’s named after the trojan horse from Greek mythology because just like the trojan horse fooled the Trojans, trojan horse viruses fool users into thinking they’re safe. Once installed on a phone, trojan horse viruses can allow attackers to gain control of the device, steal sensitive information, or even damage files. 

Trojan horse viruses can be difficult to remove and they may cause extensive damage to your devices. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your mobile phone from trojan horses and other malware. And if you think your phone might be infected, there are also ways to remove Trojan Horse viruses safely.

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Worm Viruses

On a phone, this type of virus is spread with the help of texts. A worm virus is a type of malware that can spread itself from one device to another without the need for user interaction. The main objective of worms is to enter as many mobile phones so that the hackers will become able to load malware on those devices and then eventually steal all the data. While there are many different types of worm viruses, they all share a common ability to self-replicate and spread quickly. As a result, worm viruses are often highly destructive and can be very difficult to remove once they have infected a system. 


The main goal of this virus is to encrypt the user’s personal information so that he/she will not be able to get access to it. In my opinion, ransomware is one of the worst kinds of mobile viruses you can get. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that blocks access to a phone system or encrypts its files until a ransom is paid. It’s a growing problem for individuals and businesses (and not just for mobile users) as ransomware attacks become more common and more sophisticated. Typically, ransomware targets businesses and organizations where there are large coffers of user data. 

There are many different types of ransomware, but they all have one goal: to extort money (or sometimes more access) from their victims. Ransomware can be spread through email attachments, malicious websites, text messages, or compromised ad networks. Once it’s on your system or mobile device, it can encrypt your files or lock you out of your mobile device entirely. If you’re a victim of ransomware, you’ll usually see a demand for payment on your screen, often in the form of Bitcoin or some cryptocurrency. The best way to protect yourself from ransomware is to back up your data regularly and to be cautious about anything (emails, attachments, links, text messages, friend requests, etc) you click on. Remember my rule “If you aren’t expecting it, don’t open/click on it”

Common Signs Of A Mobile Virus

If you want to detect a virus in your phone, then here are some signs that will assist you in knowing about the presence of the virus.

Data Usage

If your phone is using more data than normal, then there is possibly something wrong. Again, pay attention to the little nuances of your devices. Take a few moments each month to look at your data usage to spot potential spikes. 

Apps Crashing

Another sign of the virus is a sudden (and more frequent) uptick in app crashes. But there can be some other causes, such as phone storage, so first check that before you sound the alarms. However, if you notice apps are crashing and really have a difficult time functioning properly, you better get some help.  

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Usually, pop-ups are just advertisements and there is no need to be concerned. But if their intensity increases, then it can be an indication of a bigger security issue on your mobile device. 

Fraudulent Charges

Viruses can make you pay more and, in this way, can loot money from you. I like to frequently look at my charges on the credit card to make sure they match with what I actually spend. Furthermore, if your account does get fraudulent charges, don’t settle only by calling the credit card company and canceling the card. In some cases, you might only be treating the symptom and the underlying root problem may be a virus on your phone (or another device).

Inadvertent Sent Messages

One common sign is the inadvertently sent text message. We’ve probably received one of these from someone in our contacts at one point. It’s usually a simple message sent unbeknownst to the sender that will say something to get the recipient to click on a link. Usually something like, “You won’t believe what so and so sad about you” or “Did you see who just died?” followed by a shortened URL link. These are very common on social media platforms, but I’ve seen more and more of these sent through text messaging.

You Should Take Mobile Viruses Seriously

There are many ways to keep your mobile devices safe these days, but installing an antivirus app will give you some solid protection. The iOS on iPhones and Android phones is fairly secure (although there are still risks), so it’s not mandatory for everyone who owns one of those platforms BUT…it will give you that extra layer of security. However, if a virus does sneak into an email, a link, a text message, or social media app (which they do and will) then I highly recommend Norton 360 Mobile Security to help detect anything malicious before it infects your phone.

Norton 360 Mobile Security

Norton 360 Mobile Security is a great antivirus app for both iPhones and Android devices. It integrates everything into one application, including efficient privacy protection through its VPN service, helpful when you’re out there on public WiFi surfing without having your identity theft locked down. This way not only will it help keep malware and other viruses off of your phone but also protects you against hackers in general by blocking dangerous links or websites before installing them (and even warning if something unsafe has already been installed).

>> Get Norton 360 Mobile Security Here <<

Lookout Antivirus For Mobile Security

Another solid option for an antivirus for your phone is Lookout. With impeccable features that address security and privacy and even identity theft protection, Lookout is one of the more robust antivirus options for your phone. One thing I commend Lookout for is their plan options for antivirus. They have three-tiered plans for people who just want to get started to the more advanced users who need advanced protection. Personally, I recommend the Premium Plus option. You can get Lookout antivirus for both iOS and Android.

>> Get Lookout Antivirus Security Here <<

ESET Antivirus For Mobile

I would be remiss if I didn’t talk a little bit about ESET mobile security. This app is probably one of the better free versions that have adequate antivirus protection, up-to-date real-time scanning, regular security reports, a detailed activity log, and what they call an On-The-Go scanner for USB (which is awesome). That’s just the free goodies. If you’re one who is a little on the cheap side or just wants to experiment with a type of service you’ve never tried before, getting the free version of ESET is a great place to start. 

For the premium paid version, ESET mobile security antivirus is a great option because it offers comprehensive protection against viruses, malware, and other online threats. It also has a wide range of features that can help you manage your privacy and keep your data safe. With ESET mobile security antivirus, you can rest assured that your phone is well protected against the latest threats.

>> Get ESET Mobile Security Here <<

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