Slow Internet

Easy Tips On How To Fix A Slow Internet Speed

How do I fix my internet speed? This is a question that I hear quite a bit. Let me start off by saying that there are a lot of reasons why your internet might be slow. I just want to cover a few simple things you can do that could potentially increase the speeds in your home. This is a real concern with people too. It’s frustrating to pay for a service and realize that you’re only getting a fraction of what you’re paying for (in most cases like this…it’s the speed). It’s even more frustrating when you ask neighbors who have the same internet provider and they’re getting better speeds than you. Don’t worry, many folks have this issue. 

Faster Internet Speed Tip #1: Upgrade Your Router

The first thing you’re going to want to do is to check your WiFi router. I’d venture by saying most people (like 90%) use the router that was provided by their internet service. The problem is most of the time these routers are trash. They’re not good. And worse, you’re probably paying a monthly rental fee for it as well. It’s important to note that your Wifi router is probably the most used internet device in the home. Think about it for a minute, every single device that connects to your home network has to do so through your router. You can imagine if you have a crappy model, you’re going to get crappy results. Just the way it is. It would be advantageous for you to spend some coin and get a really good router. There are a handful of really good routers on the market, but if you want an easy, affordable way to maximize your internet speeds, you may want to opt-in for Google’s Nest Wifi mesh system. It completely replaces your existing router and delivers some really good results. It’s easy to set up, easy to operate, and boosts an internet signal to reach all areas of your home.  

These mesh router systems essentially broadcasts your internet signal evenly throughout your home. Google Nest Wifi, Netgear Orbi, TP-Link Deco X20, Eero Pro 6, and the Gryphon AX are some of the best mesh Wifi systems that are very effective at increasing your internet speed. (AFFILIATE LINKS FOR ALL OF THESE). If you’re in a home that’s around 1,500 square feet or more, we highly recommend investing in a mesh Wifi system. At the very least, ditch the router that comes standard with your internet service provider.

Faster Internet Speed Tip #2: Router Location

In real estate, there’s a saying people say, “Location. Location. Location.” It’s true with routers too! Many times the very location of where your router is will have a major impact on speeds. People just assume their internet signal magically can operate and broadcast through any material known to mankind. That’s just not true. Walls, cabinets, insulation, wiring, pipes, appliances, concrete, brick…all of these things can hinder your internet signal through your home. Where you place your router matters. It’s not just eliminating barriers to travel through either. You see, your internet signal radiates in a sphere from that router. And depending on the router type, that signal has limited strength. 

slow internet

Many people place their routers in the basement in the utility room (because most contractors wire everything in that room). Because of this, you’re already in a bad place to begin with. If you place your router in the corner of your basement, you’re potentially losing 70%-80% of your internet signal. Yeah, you might score a really nice router with a signal strength of around 3,000 square feet, but if that router is placed in a poor location of the home, it may only have a coverage area of maybe 700 square feet. The most central location of the home is the optimal choice as well as getting it up high if you live in a multi-level home..

Faster Internet Speed Tip #3: Clean Devices

When we say “clean” we mean virus-free. And this also applies to malware and spyware too. When you have an infected device, oftentimes they can use more bandwidth on your home network. Your network is like a system of road traffic. Think of the devices connected to your home network like the vehicles on the highway. Some are larger than others. Some are smaller. Some take up a lot of lanes because they’re wide-loads. These are the devices that are plagued with malware, spyware, and viruses. These compromised devices are constantly trying to hack into other devices on your network, trying to gather personal data from your network, and a load of other nefarious tactics. Devices with a virus could be taking up a massive chunk of your home network bandwidth and really slowing it down. First thing you’re going to want to do is check your devices for viruses and then get those fixed. We recommend Kaspersky, Bitdefender, or Norton.

BUY: Kaspersky Total Security 2022
BUY: Bitdefender
BUY: Norton 360

Like we said earlier, there are so many ways to boost your internal signal and speed. There are some really technical-heavy adjustments one could make, but you really need to be cautious once you start diving into router settings and messing with channels and things of that sort. We wanted to highlight some really simple to implement adjustments you can make that will have an impact.

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